下午,一如既往的上課,美國北卡羅納大學Tushar Ghosh教授準時到來,以其獨特的方式給同學們上了別趣橫生的一節課👩🏼💻,緊接著是何琰老師帶來的發展中國家零售業的發展狀況及影響因素,與同學們很好的互動,課堂氣氛融洽🙄。
On July 4 morning ,we led the students to visit History Museum of Dong Hua University and the Museum of Science and Technology Achievements Exhibition of Dong Hua University, instructors explained the extremely rich history and culture of Dong Hua University to the students, making students in-depth understand Dong Hua University, and then, at the time of the students still pondering the history of Dong Hua University, they came to the scientific and technological achievements exhibition hall, looking at a variety of outcomes, the students was very surprised, and further understanding the their own professional research scope, resulting in a strong interest.
Afternoon, the students went to class as usual, professor of the University of North Carolina Tushar Ghosh punctual arrived with his unique way and gave the students the other interesting class, after that the teacher Hu Yan brought class about the development status and influencing factors of retail of developing country, she had a good interaction with the students, and the classroom atmosphere was harmonious.